Movement trays

So far I have been using steel movement trays from Shogunminiatures with magnets under each model and they are quite good in terms of holding magnets, plus they have a nice slim design, with just a few millimeters of bended edge for lifting the tray around. I am not a fan of massive dominating movement trays or... Continue Reading →

The tedious work of rebasing

So I've fallen in love with round bases. No, don't panic this is not Age of Sigmar, read on calmly. This is about epic and the awesomeness of putting infantry on round bases, or stands as they are called in epic. Why is this awesome? Well, it just looks better is the short answer.  ... Continue Reading →

Doing scratched and battlescarred shields

This is my first go on what is generally termed weathering effects, which means making something look used and worn. In my case I wanted to add battlescarring on some shields for my Empire swordsmen to give them a worn and hardened look, signifying their veteran status. Highlight first, then shade Normally you shade first... Continue Reading →

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