It’s been a while…

It certainly has been a while since I last posted. I still paint, play and enjoy the miniature hobby, but I have been steered away from Warhammer and its related games which was the mainstay of this site.

Now, I could blame this dissolution on all sorts of events, such as Games Workshop deciding to officially end Warhammer Fantasy Battle as we knew it, or the fact that most of their new line of miniatures don’t really speak to me (what is up with that scale creep?). But the real turning point was probably that I discovered historical wargaming. Yawn, he has gone old, you say. Well, although admittedly time is sneaking up on me and there is a little less hair in some places, I have in fact never been as productive in terms of painting and playing as I have these recent years. And its because I have found historical wargames much better in terms of game design and far more accessible (that means cheaper). So without further ado, let me introduce you to what will be the new main topic of this sites future:

World War 2

Posts will still be occurring at a seemingly random cycle and content will be showcases of painted mini’s with brief explanations on how I painted them, but I hope to also write posts on my two new favorite games, Chain of Command by the Two Fat Lardies, and 02 Hundred Hours by Grey for Now Games.

Fear not, the old world and all its inhabitants will probably also make an appearance from time to time.


Soviet armored car (BA-6)

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